Yumega's Tracker

Yumega's Wisdom

Don't let life pass you by. It's quick and it's hard to catch but it's all so worth it. There is nothing worse than watching the life flash infront of you. Before you know it it's gone.

Yumega's beats

Tuesday 3 November 2009


-Cook walks into scene-
Y) There you are! You jsut got up and left the cafe! What the heck ar eyou doing?!
M) I'm sorry sir but two other robberies have been reported. Both of them much more serious than cookies
Y) And?!
M) Well I have to look into these cases first....
Y) Humph!
M) =O wow!
Y) What is it?!
M) look here! Crumbs!
Y) Oh wow. what a case breaker!
M) Not a case breaker! A link between the cases.
Y) Crumbs. Some link.
M) Well I wonder if there is a witness.
Y) To someone littering?
M) Dang! Would you stop talking?! Don't you see. These could be crumbs from your cookies. Meaning the robberies are linked some how.
Y) I see!
M) Now it's time to find the cho who knows the truth.
-Both leaving by shop street-

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Hey Guys I'm Yumega =D

'Yello guys, I'm Yumega! =D It was time I starfted my own blog so here it is! What do you think? Do ya like it? Well that cleared up let's move on, shall we?

Because you need to start off somewhere I hadn't planned to post anything on this message. If you have ever started your own blog you will understand what I'm saying. But don't worry I WILL be posting lots more After but this is a bit of an intro.

On to the topic of authors or Admins, I'm not sure I need any yet. I mean it's such a small blog as of now that I can manage it myself. But later on I hope to have a team of dedicated bloggers working here and inviting their friends but you can do that now anyway, so how about it? Invite your friends. If gift and trade comes back I might give gifts for those who invite more friends and I could also make more contests! At the minute I'm afraid that isn't possible now, and you all know why!

Do you guys think I should join twitter? I'm not sure because I havn't got that many followers as of yet, infact I only have one as I write this o.O But as I have said before, there has to be a begining! If I get more than 50 followers I would say I should have a party and join twitter. Because I don't have any other followers other than myself this is a lot like a letter to myself:

Hello Yumega, buddy old pal! Remember that homework for English you need to hand in! You don't want Mrs Furey (yes that's her real name o.O) to have a cow, a chicken and a goat now do we?!

Hem hem, moving on I gues. Well you can't post much more on a first message on a first blog with it's first follower who also happens to be the creator....
Hehe! So yeah, I'm going to have to sign off now, I gues. So remember if you're reading this and you are not me- follow the blog, the bigger comunity the better the blog will be!
